“On 6 June we remember those who gave their lives in the summer of 1944 in the cause of freedom.”

6 June 2024 – Beacon Lighting at Grays

Events will be led by Grays Riverside Big Local. Beacon lighting will take place at 9:15pm by the River Thames next to the car park in Thames Road, Grays. Before the lighting, a fish and chip dinner for local veterans and dignitaries will be held at the nearby Lightship Café.

A recent survey found that over half of young people today had little knowledge of the immense importance of D-Day so thanks to the British Council a downloadable pdf document aimed at educating children can be found at the British Council website https://www.britishcouncil.org/school-resources/find/classroom/remembering-normandy-landings?utm_source=dv360&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ceschools-schools-all-uk-regional&utm_content=d-day80&utm_term=edpack&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuodvxvIeizdTeru-d_zikDb7i_vSINTNQyVqiRUjjT-upAmA8oer4XxoCVoMQAvD_BwE