In our club, we pride ourselves on the work that we do with the youth of Thurrock.
We organise many competitions and work closely with local schools and youth organisations.  In previous years, winners of the local Thurrock events have gone on to win the District and even then National finals.  The competitions generally follow the school year with local heats being held between November and January and the District and National events following on.
As well as the many competitions, one of the highlights of the year is Kidz Out when we take children from the local Tree Tops school on a day out to Southend.  There is plenty of screaming when we get on the rides in Peter Pan's Playground although most of it comes from the Rotarians, not the children.
Click on the links to go to the specific event  pages.

Some Highlights from Previous Years

Lillian Tagg's local heat winning entry in the Young Artist competition
Sean Corrigan who went on to claim 2nd place in the District finals of the Young Musician
A raft race at Grangewaters, part of the Youth Leadership awards (RYLA)
I'm doing this alone!