Christmas Collections 2024

Santa on the Rotary SleighOur Christmas Team team are working hard to get Santa and his sleigh to as many roads as possible this year.  Here you will find all our sleigh routes and our Supermarket collections.  We are sorry if we are not visiting your streets - we are a small group of volunteers and cover as much of the area as we can.
We will be collecting for our chosen charities for this year which are Great Ormond Street, Barnardos, Treetops and local Children's Causes.  If you miss us on our way round, or didn't have any change, we would much appreciate an on-line donation.
You can track Santa whilst he is visiting the streets by using our Sleigh Tracker.  If we do not visit your street you may wish to use the tracker to find his location and visit him on his way.  If we see a crowd of people we will try to stop the sleigh near you, subject to traffic conditions.
Each of our street collections will start at 6pm and will finish by 8pm except Sunday 15th which will be 5:30-8pm.
< Check the sub-pages on the left for detailed maps for each day.
Map showing all sleigh routes